1 Day Workshop – Online or Classroom

During this advanced communication training workshop, delegates will learn more about communication than ever before – enabling new perspectives, greater understanding, and improved relationships.

We generally believe ourselves to be ‘good’ communicators, this workshop will fundamentally challenge that belief, and help delegates to greatly improve the effectiveness of their communications.

Effective communication is a fundamental aspect of organisational culture, and therefore wellbeing. Poor communication can have a debilitating effect upon individuals and teams, causing stress, and indeed (in some cases!) trauma.

Understanding advanced communication techniques helps people to work to improve culture, teamwork and performance.

Key Learning Outcomes – Advanced Communication Training

Through interactive study & discussion, delegates will understand:

  • Intentions
  • Activity cycles
  • Communication cycles
  • Perceptual channels
  • Communion – an ascending triad
  • Alienation – a descending triad
  • Reactivation & aversion
  • Reaction vs. response
  • The mechanics of communication
  • Communication exercises
  • Acknowledgments
  • Wrong indications
  • Recovering miscommunications

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Training Services Enquiry