Effective, experienced, support.

The traumatic aftermath of critical incidents can have a debilitating effect upon your people and your organisation. Our CRISIS response service helps optimise recovery for those involved.

We’ve handled a number of high severity and high profile critical incidents, including terror attacks and other major disasters.

We use a specialist and highly effective method of support called ‘Critical Incident Stress Intervention & Support’ (CRISIS). CRISIS is an evolutionary development within the field of crisis intervention and was developed by Sean McCallum during our work helping the London Metropolitan Police recover from the London Attacks of 2017 and the Grenfell Tower Fire.

CRISIS isn’t just signposting like older, more out-dated, trauma risk management models. It actually helps people to handle traumatic stress by empowering them them to confront painful experiences.

Restore function, mitigate risk.

The shocking and often harrowing impact of a critical incident often has far reaching implications within an organisation, including sickness/absence, business interruption, performance loss and presenteeism.

It’s important then that if your organisation and its people are affected by a critical incident you secure the best possible support, in order to augment your business continuity planning.

Every single member of our CRISIS Response team has a wealth of experience in crisis intervention and trauma, having served in the UK Emergency Services and Armed Forces – that experience is hard to come by, and is available when you need it most

CRISIS Response, 24/7.

When you call out our CRISIS team, you also get years of experience of managing critical incident response.

Our consultants will be supporting your leaders from the moment we get the call to help. Minimising the impact of a critical incident across the spectrum of your organisation is vital in promoting an effective recovery.


Mobilise our CRISIS Response Team!

CRISIS Response
Is the Critical Incident *