1 Day Workshop – Online or Classroom

Critical incident risk assessment training is a vital part of any organisational mental health strategy.

When bad things happen, organisations have a duty to ensure that they’re taking appropriate steps to support the mental health of their people – the traumatic aftermath of a critical incident can be debilitating, and notwithstanding the moral responsibility of supporting someone in distress, the subsequent implications of sickness/absence, presenteeism, financial and reputational loss can significantly impact both efficiency and effectiveness.

The ‘Critical Incident Risk Assessment’, designed by Sean McCallum CTIRt CCSt developer of the CRISIS system, helps organisations fulfil their duty of care when implementing support strategies following trauma.

The Critical Incident Risk Assessment is unique model, bringing both objective and subjective factors together to form a truly person-centred approach to facilitating effective support.

Critical Incident Risk Assessment Training – Key Learning Outcomes

Through interactive learning and discussion, delegates will:

  • Understand dynamic integration and order
  • Use the IAMM psychosocial risk model
  • Understand critical incidents
  • Understand subjective criticality
  • Understand disorder
  • Understand & recognise acute stress
  • Know when and how to undertake a critical incident risk assessment
  • Evaluate the 4 critical criteria & their sub-criterion
  • Understand and implement active monitoring

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