The journey of addiction recovery often requires direct intervention from specialist addiction practitioners. Our addiction recovery programmes are designed to support existing recovery pathways, increasing the ability to remain abstinent.

We take a ‘trauma-informed’ view of addiction. We consider that the things that happen to us may be causal in the development of addiction and dependency. Psychological trauma always demands and exhausts a significant level of attention and energy. Our aim is to help you to address your trauma, so that you can then focus on your recovery.

Addiction and recovery is an intensely personal and subjective journey. There is no ‘one size fits all’ approach. Regardless of your type of addiction, or the nature of your trauma, you’ll be provided with a confidential and non-judgmental service.

*Client’s must be on in an existing recovery pathway, and stably abstinent at the point of induction. If you require a pathway, we’re very happy to refer you to our specialist dependency partners.

For those living in Nottinghamshire or Lincolnshire and unable to access private recovery programmes, we are proud to refer clients to Double Impact, our charity partners.


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