Online or classroom

Delegates completing this 1 day CRISIS Coordinator training will build on their CRISIS skills and focus on the day-to-day management of CRISIS teams and coordinating CRISIS Demobilisations and CRISIS MASS recovery operations following major critical incidents.

Key Learning Outcomes – CRISIS coordinator Training

  • CRISIS and strategic planning
  • CRISIS team management
  • CRISIS & psycho-education within organisations
  • CRISIS Multi-Agency Support Systems (‘CRISIS MASS’)
  • Effectively planning CRISIS operations following meta-critical incidents
  • Developing and coordinating a CRISIS response following a meta-critical incident
  • Organisational planning and procedural integration of CRISIS
  • Managing CRISIS resources and maintaining resilience
  • Liaising with command/management structure & supporting operational awareness
  • Managing a complicated or large-scale CRISIS operation and the community.

*Delegates must have completed the Group CRISIS training prior to registration on the CRISIS Coordinator Training.


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Training Services Enquiry